

Spektrum DX6i 6-Channel Transmitter

The Spektrum DX6i 6-Channel Transmitter

The Spektrum DX6i digital spread spectrum technology, coupled with the BR6000 receiver, is the most impressive advance in RC radio communication since the creation of the joy stick!

The DX6i binds to the BR6000 receiver and when powered up, automatically selects one of up to 80 different communication channels.

Managing costly crystal sets and channel selection are no longer necessary.

The DX6i spread spectrum technology, operating at 2.4 GHz frequency, eliminates motor, servo, ESC, and mechanical RF glitches and “noise,” which means you enjoy crisp, clear signal response with no unwanted interference on your radio, or anyone else’s radio! No unwanted interference assures safe, simultaneous operation of multiple DX6i’s, or any other other 2.4GHz communication devices as well.

The 6-channel DX6i includes an impressive list of programming features that let you customize the control settings for all your surface based projects including multiple game playing robots, combat robots, or other surface based projects.

The DX6i List of Key Features

  • Full range 2.4GHz DSM2 6-channel radio
  • 10-model memory
  • ServoSync
  • Roller/selector user interface
  • Attractive and ergonomic design
  • Proven DSM2 technology
  • Large LCD display
  • Integrated timer
  • Dual-speed trim scroll
  • Travel adjustment
  • Sub-trim
  • Servo monitor
  • Dual rate and exponential
  • Compatible with any existing DSM and DSM2 receivers
  • Mixed drive or Tank Steering
  • Adjustable stick length
  • Direct trim access display

Robot RC Transmitter

Robot Transmitter